
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My name is Cardin and I'm a bookworm........

not a real bookworm of course, I'm not slimy and i don't wiggle around, but i am into reading books. Books are amazing from my point of view, but i also like writing like some people do. And that's what i'm going to do for you. i have my own stories everyone does, and i hope you enjoy mine as i think yours are divine. i hope you enjoy my blog because it's for everyone.



  1. Dear Cardin,
    I'm SO glad you're not a real bookworm...Ewww! Because that would be a little gross. I love your first post! But could you please, please capitalize all your "i"s...Thank you!


    Mom, Your biggest fan and follower

  2. I always had my nose in a book when I was your age... even walking down the street on my way home from school. But back then there was NO INTERNET and NO BLOGS. Just books.

    I love that you are doing a blog, and I'll try to keep up with it!

  3. I am a Bookworm and I love going to the library.
    I am your Dad's cousin.
    I live in Washington.

    1. Thanks, Cousin Sharon! We have a lot in common. ~ Cardi
