
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Free at Last.....

Emilia was still very pale as the mist choked her. I wept by her side. Halien grinned the whole time. Emilia's final moments were going to pass soon. "No," I whispered, the salty sensation filling my mouth.I snuggled my head into Emilia, weeping, crying out this isn't happening. I heard Emilia struggle and then I felt a soft hand on my head. Emilia's tears splattered on to my violet hair. Ilooked into her emerald green eyes, and she looked into my leavy green eyes.Then, I couldn't take it any more it was going to happen any minute. Emilia was screaming out in pain.I turned away, one last tear slowly made its way down my cheek. One final scream, I grab Emilia's hand. However, death doesn't take us, instead kight swarms around us. Emilia and I were lifted higher and higher. I looked down there Marvin was looking up at us, he was holding Zanabell's hand. Emilia's bond was broken, she was free, free at last! Halien looked up in terror. Her grin was gone now, instead a frown was there. Emilia wiped the tears off my face. My question was what are we going to do with Halien?