
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another Dangerous Witch.....

" Her name is Rowan." Emilia said. Thank goodness it wasn't me, I thought. " She's Halien's sister." Emilia finished. All of the sudden a wave of worry swept over me. Halien's sister, another dangerous witch." Couldn't we be seeing Rowan is stead of Halien?" I said. "It's possible." Emilia replied. She sent me an image of Rowan through telepathy. Emilia had mastered that power easily. I took a good hard look at the image. Rowan looked around the age of 15. She had long bleached white hair and cinnamon colored eyes. How could this girl be a threat? I wondered. I kept looking at the image. Rowan had a mysterious look to her. " Let's get Marvin." I said rushing out the door. If it was Rowan we were up against then we are in big trouble. " Is it true, are we seeing Rowan?" I asked Marvin. " Yes, we might be," he replied. Great, just great, I thought. " What has she done so far?" I asked. " The question is what hasn't she done?" Zanabell said. " She used her magic to murder an innocent little boy." Marvin said. " She also burned down a house with a family in it," Emilia continued. Rowan was a very big threat to everyone. Marvin had brought them to his lab. He pulled up a tape of Rowan burning the house. Emilia was right, Rowan looked a lot like Halien. The night made Rowan's hair blend into it. Her hair looked like a white star in the night sky. She turned around and grinned. I just stared right into her cinnamon colored eyes. They looked cold as ice. Her heart ,I bet, was as dark as coal. I looked away. How could someone be so corrupt and malicious? It made me sick. " What are her powers Marvin?" I asked shivering. " She has power over emotions, and she is a strong powerful at telepathy. And a number of others powers maybe." he said. " I bet Emilia's a better telepath then her." I said. Emilia blushed. " Except no one knows what she's capable of." Emilia said. " Great, we have an unpredictable witch on our hands and no way to vanquish her." I said. The truth was I was very scared in the inside. I had never felt so scared in my life. That's when the alarm went off. I jumped. " Rowan!" Emilia screamed. We rushed to the sleeping corridor. Everyone was in a panic. A little girl rushed by my side. She didn't look older than 7. I shoved her into a bed room. " What's going on." she asked full of fear. " Nothing, your safe, I promise." I said hugging her. I didn't know why I promised her that. I knew though that I would protect her no matter what. The light flickered out. I'm going to meet Rowan, I thought. Would she be calm though?

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