
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rowan's Mistake?......

I woke up with a big migraine. The room wouldn't stop spinning. Emilia, Marvin, and Zanabell were all sprawled out on the floor next to me. Zanabell was looking spectral. Her honey blond hair was messed up all over her face. Emilia looked like she'd just seen a avalanche. Her chestnut colored hair was stuck underneath her. Marvin looked the worst of all, his flaming red hair was mopped all over his face. His face was very banged up. He had violaceous scars on his face. Where were we? The room was surrounded with luminous mirrors. The place had a shimmering glow to it. Each mirror had a special surge of spirited energy flowing through them. Some had shimmering gold energy others had bright reds the color of wildfire. Some were colors I didn't even know existed. I didn't think Rowan meant to send us here. I think she had something else in mind. I sat next to Emilia and moved her hair out from underneath her. She was knocked out hard and was hardly breathing. But, at least she was breathing. I propped her head up on my bunched up jacket. Then went to check out the others. Zanabell was still breathing also. Marvin's violaceous scars were healing. But they shouldn't be healing that quickly. They were almost gone completely in a minute. Then, I noticed the small girl. No not girl. Fairy. This girl was a fairy. She had lustrous wings the color of pure gold. Her hair was auburn and like her wings, her hair was glossy. She wore a thin strapped, peach colored ballerina dress. In her hair was a shimmering gold tiara. " Who are you?" I said. I was surprised to see a real fairy. "Aria." the fairy said scaredly. I thought she might fly away. She turned. " Wait!" I called. " Please stay." Aria turned around to face me and obeyed. My question was why did she stay?

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