
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Siblings of the Forest con again......

I follow him. He points up. My eyes follow his finger. They meet the image of the surface. It's a shimmering turquoise blue. My mind goes back to the times I used to go swimming with my family. Ash and I finally surface at last.
"That was amazing!" I exclaim.
"Now don't sneak up on me again dragonfly."
I nod and smile. He spins me in the water.
"Now how did you manage to stay in there all that time dragonfly?" He has a mysterious look gleaming in his eye.
"You think I just come in these woods without being a expert swimmer?"
"Good point."
He spins me some more.  Our eyes meet. He leans in closer. His lips are an inch away. I can feel his breath on my face. A sweet tantalizing aroma. That's when we hear the screams. I yank myself onto the dock. It wasn't just any one's screaming, it was my siblings. I try to run, but it is no use. The water that is soaking my clothes is weighing me down like bricks. In the water however, I felt as light as air. When I finally make it to the tent, I ditch my shawl and wet shoes.
"Catherine! Alex!" I shout.
I look in the rose garden where they usually play.
"James! Miranda!"
I'm almost completely scared to death by their disappearance. I was going hysterical. But they are no where to be found. After I run through the whole tribe, I find nothing. They have just simply dematerialized. I go back to the tent and cry. Tears descend down my face. They make my eyes tumescent. Calescent arms wrap around me. And I can tell without looking up, it's Ash.
Ash nudges a diminutive bowl towards me. But I refuse to eat or drink. I'm too lugubrious. It's my fault that my siblings are gone.  I can't find a ray of sunshine left in me. I've been like this for days. I just cower in a corner. For days at a time. Ash usually is the one staying with me. However, sometimes ( most of the time) he's gone being chief. It's his first priority. So when he's gone, I'm left with Geselli. I don't mind being left with her. I'm delighted he chose her. But I'm just to sad right now to really be obliged. Today, Ash had gone to see someone. I wonder who? Geselli has gone to fetch me some water. It is the perfect time to sneak out. When I arrive at the tent I hear voices. A boy and a girl. The boy being Ash. And the girl's voice was unfamiliar. She must be the someone he's supposed to meet, I think.
I sneak a glance at the strange girl. She had strawberry blond hair and fierce jade eyes. She has smothering red lips the color of raspberries.She wears a black suit that hugs her body very tightly. She looks like Black Widow from the Avengers. Her features are long and svelte. From the looks of her, I thought she was a huntress.
" Chief, I'm Sirena,I've come to propose a deal."
Her voice is so piercing that it could kill a knight in shining armor, by just the sound.
He tells her to continue. What kind of deal? I think. I think Ash has the same question. But Ms. Snotty Huntress Sirena is already talking.
"But first I must tell you a story. Once upon a time there lived a very admirable, dazzling, and angelic princess. And this princess made a deal with a vain prince."
I can tell this story is about her. And so can Ash. He has a look of jadedness in his eyes. What's next, I think.

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