
You seek my redemption, a fool's errand.

Then I must be the most foolish of them all because I won't stop looking, not now, not ever.

Why do you reach so far? Why can't you accept life as it is?

I reach because I know with effort it can be reached, that even the tallest trees must come to an end. To accept life as it is, that is simply ridiculous, because you know it can and will be more if you nuture it. That is what your redemption is, a tiny seed in need of nourishment. I will provide it, even if it kills me, you will not stop me, nothing will.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Blood Tributes...

I rushed to Aria.
"I need your help," I said.
I explained to her what was going on.
"You need to find him right away,"
"Do you know where I could find him?"
"You'll find him at Elsa's Comfort inn."
"Thank you. And keep an eye on Sonya for me will you?"
"Of course I will."
"Thanks again."
"Just try to stay alive."
I nod. We hug.
"Good luck."
"I'll need it."
I leave to find Elsa's Comfort inn. It isn't that far from the palace. It is a tiny cottage. A small fire glows. Here goes nothing.
"Excuse me, but I'm looking for Keltin Vermillion's room, please."
"Mr. Vermillion is in room 321."
"Thank you very much."
The receptionist just nodded politely.
I walked up the stairs, making sure my cloak covered my face as and dress. I knocked very lightly. I heard the shuffle of footsteps come to answer the door.
Keltin  came to the door with a shocked expression.
"Your Highness," he said, nodding.
"Is that some sort of joke?"
My serious expression tells him not.
"I need your help."
"Okay." He says, letting me into his apartment.

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